Tax Planning

How will the changes in the latest Budget affect you?  Are you hoping that out of the many documents on HM Treasury or HMRC’s website the ‘issues to address’ might be flushed out in the media?  Can you be sure to be attentive if or when they are so treated? Or will they reflect your situation?

As the ‘tax take’ increases relentlessly, I provide you with the means of using the valuable allowances and dispensations offered by the law to save tax being paid by you needlessly.

“No man in this country is under the smallest obligation, moral or other, so to arrange his legal relations to his business or to his property as to enable the Inland Revenue to put the largest possible shovel into his stores”
James Avon Lord Clyde, Ayrshire Pullman Motor Services and Ritchie v. IRC (1929) 14 TC 754.

I may assist with tax calculations and submissions to HMRC on your behalf.  Where necessary, you may appoint me as your Agent and I may interact with HMRC to relieve you of this burden and provide a check against intrusive measures to increase their share of your purse.

Ex-Patriates and US Citizens

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US Citizens in the UK and UK Citizens working in the US will find me capable of interacting with accountancy professionals, to ensure financial planning need not suffer from the complexities of the prevailing legislation.

Having been approached in 2008 by a UK based US Tax Agent to find a solution to the constraining legislation which US citizens are under, I am pleased to be able to offer access to professionally crafted solutions which satisfies requirements on both side of the Atlantic.

Likewise, I act for UK and non-UK citizens resident outside the UK on matters pertaining to UK/non-UK affairs.  I also have relationships with and can recommend suitable professionals in this complex area.


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